Delta inverter to reduce the failure rate method
Tempo de liberação:2023-04-14 15:41:00
Verificação diária Item 1 do reparo do problema do conversor de frequência Delta:
Verifique se o som do motor é anormal durante o funcionamento, incluindo se o motor está vibrando durante o funcionamento.
Vista diária do problema de reparo do conversor de frequência Delta Item 2:
Verifique se o ambiente de instalação do conversor de frequência muda. Por exemplo, se a temperatura ambiente está normal. Pessoas que conhecem o reparo do conversor de frequência Delta devem saber que a temperatura operacional do conversor de frequência é geralmente necessária na faixa de -10 a + 40 a + 40, e cerca de 25 a mais é melhor.
Vista diária do problema de reparo do conversor de frequência Delta Item 3:
Verifique se o ventilador elétrico de resfriamento do conversor de frequência está funcionando normalmente, por exemplo, se o canal de resfriamento do conversor de frequência está suave e se a corrente, a tensão e a frequência da saída do conversor de frequência no painel de exibição estão normais.
Verificação diária Item 4 do reparo do problema do conversor de frequência Delta:
Check whether the converter is overheating. On the frequency converter overheating check, you can use infrared thermometer, mainly detect whether the heat sink of the frequency converter is overheating, or whether there is an odor. It is also necessary to check whether there is a fault alarm in the operation of the converter.
Daily view of Delta Frequency converter problem repair Item 5:
Delta frequency converter repair and maintenance should also do the daily sorting of the air inlet channel filter screen inside the electrical control cabinet. Long-term adhere to the control cabinet and frequency converter in outstanding cleaning condition. Because this can finish the surface area of the frequency converter dust, but also prevent dust from entering the inside of the frequency converter, ** remove the oil of the frequency converter cooling fan, reduce the occurrence of heat dissipation problems.
Delta frequency converter, power-on no response, the operation panel does not appear, measuring the 24V voltage of the control terminal is 0 and other inverter faults, can be identified as switching power supply or switching power supply circuit fault. Power-on test indicates that there is no 530V DC voltage at both ends of the energy storage capacitor in the DC circuit. Further test indicates that the fuse FU of the pre-charging circuit has been blown out, resulting in no input power to the switching power supply and no operation of the whole machine.
Considering that the fuse fuse is caused by the fact that the thyristor in the three-phase rectifier circuit is not triggered to open, and the pre-charging circuit is caused by the impact of the running current. After the FU is replaced and powered on, no DC voltage is detected at the trigger terminals of the three thyristors.
When Delta converter in short contact power generation circuit, trigger terminals of 3 thyristors all have trigger voltage input, and 3 thyristors are switched on. Check that the collector junction of Delta converter has been open-circuit damaged. After replacing VT3 with power tube BU406, the fault is removed.
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